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To become familiar with each other's businesses and exchange business referrals on a weekly basis.

To expand our contact and friendship with other people in business.

to enhance the varied business interests of chapter members and to open alternate avenues of communication within the business community.

Triad Business Network, International® is led by an international leadership team as

well as its members. Collectively, we strive to meet members' needs and assist

them in transforming their relationship with God, themselves, their teams and their


International Leadership Team

The TBN International Leadership Team governs the organization and offers broad

oversight of its regional and chapter leadership teams. Each of its members has had

extensive professional, entrepreneurial, and leadership experience, and each is dedicated

to living his/her life in accordance with God's plan. The Leadership Team frequently

calls on an advisory board of religious, business, political leaders, and TBN

members to offer insight and wisdom. With input from its key stakeholders, including

God, this team develops and implements the organization's strategy, sets broad

policy, and develops the necessary systems to support the strategy.The Leadership

Team and TBN members are supported by an administrative team that strives to

provide timely, efficient customer service as well as support for event registration,

membership, and other issues.

TBN Executive Board

The TBN Executive Board meets regularly and represents the needs/desires/ ideas of

the membership. Specific members of the Board are active at the Chapter and Regional



To oversee TBN Chapters and support their meetings, events, and activities, Regional

Directors are devoted to, and maintain stewardship for, geographic regions.

Regional Directors are dedicated to providing leadership, creating unique educational

and networking opportunities, and ensuring the success of each Chapter.


Chapters are autonomous entities, but receive leadership direction and support from

Regional Directors and the International Leadership Team. Each Chapter's officers

strive to coordinate programming in alignment with the international agenda in a

way that meets the specific interest and needs of Chapter members.

Chapters have one large meeting monthly, and each sub-chapter meets throughout

the month. The result is a continual network of people helping each other to grow

their respective business(es)/oranization(s). Regular workshops and meetings cover

business topics, personal development and community issues, and sometimes include

visits to member businesses.


In addition to the regular chapter meetings, the TBN sponsors a number of social and educational activities throughout the year that give members an opportunity to network within the entire organization. These include the annual holiday breakfast in December, the annual dinner in May, the annual meeting in June, an annual retreat, educational seminars and other organization-wide

networking events. TBN also co-sponsors special events with other professional organizations.


Networking requires commitment. The most successful chapters of TBN are comprised of participants who are sincerely committed to helping one another through networking. They are a team. As a participant in TBN, you are responsible for complying with the policies and guidelines of the organization. A partial list of the policies of TBN are listed below:


Only one person from each profession is permitted to join a chapter of TBN.

All participants should represent their primary occupation, not a part-time business.

Attendance is critical. If you cannot attend a meeting, you may send a substitute. This will not count as an absence.

Participants are required to bring bona-fide referrals and/or visitors to their chapter meetings.


Fees are paid annually or bi-annually and are payable at the first meeting of each month. See the Treasurer for prices. If you apply to participate in TBN, your application will be reviewed by the chapter's membership committee, and you will be notified of the status before the next meeting.

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